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Is Solar Expensive?

Let’s talk about ZERO DOWN FINANCING.

This is one of the biggest questions everybody asks about solar.

“How do I pay for it? Isn’t solar expensive because I have to pay cash up front?”

And the biggest misconception was that it actually took cash to go solar.

Well, it could not be any further from the truth.

In fact, solar is the least expensive option to get energy in most of the United States. And the reason that makes it so simple is ZERO DOWN FINANCING.

“So how do I finance my solar?”

There are two primary ways to finance your solar system today.

Number one is a low-interest rate loan.

And number two is a lease.

Let’s talk about both options.

A zero-down loan means you can choose a loan term. Whether it’s 5 years, 10 years, 15, 20, 25 years. We offer all of those. And we offer them at the most competitive APR possible.

“Then what does it mean to go solar at zero down financing?”

Simply put, we finance your solar system with your loan provider. Instead of paying a monthly bill to your utility, you pay a less expensive monthly bill to your loan provider.

So you get to keep the difference! That’s money right back into your pocket.

But what’s even better about the zero-down option is that every one of those payments is equity in your solar system!

Think about it. It’s just like your house, why does owning a home mean wealth creation? Because every single payment you pay in your mortgage is equity in your home.

And one day when you go and sell your home, you’ve paid most of your mortgage, you’ll get all of that money back. It works the same way as the solar system.

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