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What is Net Metering?

What is Net Metering

Let’s talk about Net Metering.

Now a lot of you have a lot of questions about net metering. Well, in effect, net metering is the policy that enables your solar to work.

There’s essentially a policy across the majority of the United States that states:

For every kilowatt-hour that you put into the grid, you will receive a credit for that kilowatt-hour.

So if your solar system produces ten-kilowatt hours of energy, and it puts those 10 kilowatt-hours into the grid, that’s 10-kilowatt hours into the grid that you get back. That’s what net metering is and it’s a really effective policy that’s in place across most of the United States.

Now that’s really important because your solar system produces energy during the daytime, but you use energy as well during the nighttime.

So how it works is during the daytime, you put a lot of energy into the grid, and it actually rewinds your meter so you’re banking all those credits. And at night, you pull that energy off the grid and you use all the credits you’ve accumulated during the day.

That’s net metering. A policy that we all, as consumers and advocates for clean energy, have to continue to fight for because it’s a really fantastic policy that’s enabled so much solar and in effect, gives you the ability to use the grid as your own battery.

It’s really cool that you got the grid as a battery, thanks to net metering.

Net energy metering (NEM) is a billing mechanism that allows homeowners and businesses that generate their own electricity with their solar energy system to deliver the power they do not use back into the grid and receive a credit.

These credits can then be used to offset electricity the homeowner or business purchases when their solar energy system is not generating enough electricity to meet their needs. The utilities bill customers only for the net electricity used during each billing period. Contrary to much recent utility rhetoric, NEM produces benefits for all customers.

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